December 5, 2010

The BDPA Insider - December 5, 2010

What better way to start the day than with your weekly message from BDPA!

In this issue
  1. 5 Steps to a Remarkable Personal Brand Strategy
  2. 10 Best-Selling Gadgets of Holidays Past
  3. Advance your Career with a College Degree or Certificate 
  4. A message to all members of Connectors Club
  5. BDPA Students: HTML 1, Learn the Basics (Zack Garbow) 
  6. BDPAToday (Dec 2, 2010)
  7. BDPAtoday (Washington DC)
  8. Gartner's Top 10 Technologies for 2011
  9. IT Job Seeker Survey Results - Analysis Report Now Available  
  10. Jonecia Keels and Jazmine Miller (Spelman College): Future Face of Technology 
  11. Secrets to Being More Strategic
  12. Slideshare, History: (BDPA New York) 
  13. Three BDPA Students Showcase Entrepreneurial Talents with 3D Virtual Integration  of Facebook Called StartLounge 
  14. Wintino Jones Memorial Award for Outstanding Member of the Year

It would be great to hear from you about this week's BDPA Insider.  Which of these articles or blog posts did you enjoy the most?   What issues or topics would you like to see covered in future weeks?

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