December 18, 2010

REPEALED: Don't Ask Don't Tell

President Obama was counted out earlier this month by his detractors. However, the past week demonstrates that our president is playing chess while most of his opponents (including John McCain) are playing checkers.

Yesterday President Obama signed a gigantic bill that came out of a principled compromise with the Republican party leadership.

Today he watched as the Senate repealed the Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT) policy that denied gay and lesbian soldiers from serving openly in the military. The Senate passed the bill 65-31 in their so-called "lame-duck" session. Much props to Sen. Harry Reid, Leader Nancy Pelosi and the others who kept working the angles until the DADT policy was successfully repealed by congress.

This blog has shared information about DADT since July 19, 2009 ... and it feels good to be on the right side of history. I look forward to the signing ceremony in the White House where this discriminatory policy will finally be outlawed!

I'm proud of our president ... and I hope he continues to display his chess skills in the coming weeks and months!

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