February 18, 2011

Trial Date Set in Lawsuit About Taser-Killing of Michigan Teenager Brett Elder

Brett Elder
Villagers my recall that the father of 15-year old Brett Elder filed a lawsuit a couple of years ago seeking damages from Bay City (MI) officials because of his son's unwarranted electrocution-by-taser.

The lawsuit will go to trial on October 4, if the city refuses to come to an agreement with the family of Brett Elder. [SOURCE]

Prosecutors claim the teen was intoxicated and combative, however, they declined to press charges. On the other hand, witnesses claim Elder was already handcuffed when police pumped 50,000 volts of deadly electricity into his body with their taser guns.

An autopsy performed by Dr. Kanu Virani, a forensic pathologist, found a two-part cause of death for Elder: "alcohol-induced excited delirium" and "application of an electromuscular disruption device."

I suspect that law enforcement officials won't figure out a different way to use their near-lethal tasers until a few of these lawsuits go against them.

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