March 6, 2011

Sunday Inspirations: Keep the Faith

I'm no different than most villagers. I rise and grind each day with hopes that my children will follow the right paths and examples that I've set and overlook or forgive the mistakes and missteps that I've made in my life.
Scripture tells me, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." – Hebrews 11:1
Sometimes, the path is not so clear. It is at those times that He places a thought in my mind that moves me forward. Today that thought came in the form of a song shared by a friend. I hadn't heard this song before today ... but, it was right on time.

For others who may have missed this one ... it was initially recorded by Michael Jackson in 1991 on his Dangerous album.

This blog will continue to seek out Sunday Inspirations, a meme inspired by Sojourner's Place. Sunday Inspirations is just one way to help get us through the week ahead, the trials we may face, and yes, to say Thank Ya and testify! I invite you to participate in this weekly meme as your contribution might serve as an inspiration to someone in need.

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