April 21, 2011

'E' is for Excellence Award: 10 Excellent Blogs

So many folks are heading to Facebook that the landscape for pure-bloggers is changing. One of the things that I see less nowadays are the informal blogging awards that used to be given out so often. A few years ago I was blessed to receive the 'E For Excellence' Blog Award'.

I would like to re-ignite that particular award. There is only one rule -- after receiving the 'E For Excellence' Blog Award, you must pass it on to 10 more excellent blogs. Here are the ten blogs that I would like to share this award with today:
  1. BDPA Education and Technology Foundation Blog - This blog shares information about fundraising, funding sources and BDPA programs. BDPA seeks to advance the careers of African Americans in the information technology industry.
  2. Black Web 2.0 - This blog is great about discussing the wealth of exceptional innovation, talent, and ambition of Blacks in the technology and new media industries in an opinionated and authentic voice.
  3. Booker Rising -This is a blog for Black conservatives. The sheer volume of quality blog posts blows me away every day.
  4. Depraved Mindset - This is a blog for the radical progressives who wish to expose the world to the truth and promote the create a more just society.
  5. Field Negro - This blog gets more comments on its daily posts than any other non-entertainment blog in the world. He has great rapport with his blogging community ... and his social commentary is always on point for Black America.
  6. For Harriet - This blog works to elevate the voices of Black women online and off.
  7. Jack & Jill Politics - This is the most prominent political blog in the afrosphere. JJP prides itself on providing a Black bourgeoisie perspective on U.S. politics.
  8. The BrownWatch - This blog provides news for people of color.
  9. The Intersection | Madness & Reality - This blog talks about the injustices AfricanAmericans face, politics, and the reverent or irreverent. RiPPa uses his sense of humor and sarcasm to convey his opinion, and whether others agree with him, it isn’t his concern.
  10. TNT: Truth ... Not Tasers - This blog tracks all taser-related deaths in North America. I admire the passion and comprehensive nature of the reporting done on this blog.
Congratulations to each of 'em for doing what they do! I hope that all villagers will take a moment to visit these ten Excellent Blogs.


  1. Thank you so much... I feel really flattered. I am going to have to give some thought into who I will pass this on to!

  2. Joanna - Your blog has such a powerful commentary. I hope that more eyeballs go to it as a result of this 'E is for Excellence' award.

    Do you have any advice to share with other bloggers who might be reading this thread?

  3. I'm honoured, Villager. Truth not tasers is a labour of love in memory of my brother, Robert Bagnell, and all of the other North Americans who have died after they were tasered. Thank you for recognizing the site in this way.

  4. I think my biggest piece of advice is one I struggle to follow myself: worry about truth and justice instead of worrying about your stats!

  5. Thanks for the love, fam.

    Keep doing what you do over here in the Village.


  6. Villager, a major revision has been done to the list of people who died after they were tasered in North America - bringing the new total to 629 (from 536). Please take a look at http://truthnottasers.blogspot.com

  7. Reality Chick - Dayum! The numbers went up that much?!? I will head over to see the revised list.

    Field - If you're still reading this ... do you have any advice for up & coming bloggers on what they can do to be successful?

  8. "Field - If you're still reading this ... do you have any advice for up & coming bloggers on what they can do to be successful?"

    Just keep writing what you are passionate about, and never lose the passion.

    Stay relevant and keep your posts short.

    I created a blog where I write anonymously and no one even knows it's there. -I think it gets two hits per week. :)-

    Yet I maintain it because I love writing that much and it reminds me that I blog for the love of it and not for the recognition.

    I love what you do over here because you have your own style. Folks should learn from your example as well: create your own writing style and identity.

  9. Field - Asante sana for sharing your insights and recommendation!


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