May 3, 2011

Taser Death: Marcus Brown (Waterbury, CT)

Marcus Brown
It happened again! This time a lazy Waterbury (CT) police officer electrocuted 26-year old Marcus Brown with 50,000 volts of electricity from his taser gun. Officer Andy Sanchez, a 3-year veteran, has been placed on administrative duty while state police investigate Brown's death.

Officer Sanchez was called to Saint Mary's Hospital around 12:30am on Sunday, May 1. Sanchez and another unidentified police officer arrived in the lobby of the hospital's emergency room to a report of a man creating a disturbance.

The man, Marcus Brown, was taken into custody and placed in the back of a police cruiser. He was handcuffed and under control of the police. However, it appears that he was disrespectful to Officer Sanchez by kicking the door and window of the police car. Of course, Sanchez valued his car over human life ... so he took out his taser gun and electrocuted Brown.

Brown died right then and there.

Brown didn't have to die. He was handcuffed and not a threat to himself or others. There was no DEADLY FORCE involved. So, why did Sanchez pull his taser? It appears that the taser was simply being used as a HUMAN CATTLE PROD to compel obedience and respect.

The young man was in a hospital. Perhaps he was upset for a medical reason. We'll never know Brown's side of the story because he was killed. He's dead because a police officer was way too quick to reach for a taser gun in order to make his job easier. When will the police learn?


  1. I knew Marcus Brown,for myself and family we found him to be respectful and kind.What took place in the back seat of the cruiser did not and should not have happened.Another Waterbury fact a cop gone bad ,using his authority to over power one who was rendered useless considering he was cuffed,was at the hospital for a reason,and just how far was the W.P.D. FROM ST.MARYS HOSPITAL,a minute at best two.How sad and such a waste of yet another human life by a cop

  2. I only knew Marcus Brown briefly through his son's education and he was a great dad and put so much joy into his son's is very sad that he is gone with God (as his son told me) so early in life with so much to give to his children.

  3. Nancy & Little Kar - I hope that there is some type of justice for Marcus Brown and his family. Please let us know if you learn of anything new that we should be reporting to our blog readers.

  4. After almost three months, state police have yet to complete their report on the death of 26-year-old Marcus Brown, a father of two who died after being shocked with a police Taser.

    Brown died on May 1 after he was brought to Saint Mary's Hospital. City police were called to the hospital after they received reports that Brown was acting irrationally and became belligerent.

    Officer Adrian Sanchez, a three-veteran of the department, brought Brown to the back of his police cruiser, where Brown began to kick the door and window, according to police.

    SOURCE: The Republican-American

  5. All - The family of Mr. Brown is to sue somebody for his unjust taser-killing.

  6. All - The police officer who killed Marcus Brown has been cleared of any wrongdoing in this taser-related death. Read More...

  7. The Browns Family should have a lawsuit out by now. If, you have not done so, It's Justice for Marcus Brown, he was not a threat to anyone, he was kill for a Stupid Reason, Let there be Justice and let your voices be heard, have a rally and stand up for your rights, If, you stay silent and not speak out, our system won't make changes, the Police Dept. should had done something for the Browns Family! Justice for all!!!

  8. Luz - I'm glad that the family filed a law suit in this unwarranted taser-related killing. I hope that they are successful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts here on this blog.


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