September 11, 2011

The BDPA Insider - September 11, 2011

The BDPA Insider - September 11, 2011

BDPA is a national association of Black information technology professionals.   BDPA exists to advance the careers of African Americans in the IT industry from the classroom to the boardroom.  What better way to end the day than with your weekly message from BDPA!

In this issue:

  1. 6 Tips to Make a Great Impression in an Interview
  2. BDPA iRadio Show - Youth Technology Camp Students (August 25, 2011)
  3. BDPA Philadelphia HSCC Team (2011)
  4. Congressional Black Caucus: 'African Americans Joining the Leading Edge of the High Tech Boom'
  5. How Many Mobile Apps are Produced by African Americans?
  6. Job Seekers Forum - September 12, 7:30 pm Central
  7. Top Three Ways to Build Your IT Community

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