October 31, 2011

Sex Scandal: Rise of Herman Cain in Presidential Politics May Be Over

I've heard 'Godfather' Cain talk during his presidential campaign about the powerful influence of his wife. He says that she is not visible on the campaign trail because she is home making sure that his personal life is undisturbed. Today we learn that Cain may have engaged in sexual harassment of two women who worked with him at the National Restaurant Association back in the day. The two women accepted 5-figure settlement offers from the Association in order to drop their cases.
"Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman."
I suspect that we will soon have the 'Good Wife' moment when Gloria Cain makes very public appearances with her husband.

We've seen many other times when male politicians got in trouble because of their inability to be faithful to their wives. I guess it's not just politicians ... this is a situation that many men get into over time. However, it is most public when it happens to a politician. Just ask Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Mark Foley, Christopher Lee, Anthony Wiener or David Wu.

In this case, we find a political candidate experiencing tremendous success in his effort to win the Republican nomination for the presidency. In fact, the most recent polls in the Iowa GOP primary showed Cain was leading the frontrunner. Folks were smiling at Cain's recent campaign ad that went viral. All things were coming up roses for Cain ... then POW! ... a sex scandal is unleashed on the public by the reporters over at Politico.

Cain will do some damage control over the next few days.  His side of the story is as follows:
"I've never sexually harassed anyone, and yes, I was falsely accused while I was at the National Restaurant Association, and I say falsely, because it turned out, after the investigation, to be baseless," he said on Fox News.  "It is totally baseless, and totally false, never have I committed any sort of sexual harassment," he added.
Cain was asked if he has ever had to settle a sexual harassment or sexual misconduct claim, false or otherwise.
"Outside of the Restaurant Association, absolutely not," he said. "If the Restaurant Association did a settlement, I am not - I wasn't even aware of it and I hope it wasn't for much, because nothing happened. So if there was a settlement, it was handled by some of the other officers that worked for me at the Association. So the answer is absolutely not."
However, the make or break moment for this story will be when the identities of the two women are made public. If either of the two women are white ... then all bets are off and we can see Herman Cain forced to resign his candidacy.

I suspect that the tip about this sex scandal was probably provided to Politico by someone in the 'Sheriff' Rick Perry campaign. Don't you agree?

Anyhow, what is your take on this sex scandal with Herman Cain?

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