November 12, 2011

Science and Tech Education for Students of Color

Did you watch Soledad O'Brien share insights on the NewMe Accelerator journey in "Black in America: The New Promised Land: Silicon Valley"? The point was made that there are very few African Americans being funded for technology start-ups in Silicon Valley. It is obvious that creating a vanguard of technology CEOs begins with the education that we give to our young people.

Check out this video to see how one woman seeks to make a difference at an early age for students of color:

There are a number of other organizations trying to create future STEM superstars.

What are your thoughts on this subject?


  1. Bro. Villager...did you see that spot on President Freeman Hrabowski of the University of Maryland Baltimore County and his focus on students especially minority brothers and sisters excelling in math and science. If not-here's the link:;cbsCarousel. I thought about it when I read your post.

    How many programs are out there that should be publicize and utilized for the story about Silicon Valley to become a non-issue.

    As a child Dr. Hrabowski was spit on by Bull Connor and put in jail when this unspeakable evil man hosed down the children and unleashed the dogs on them during the civil rights struggle in Alabama. He became a freedom fighter at an early age.

    As long as there are warriors like you, Dr. Hrabowski, Michelle Wallace, AfroSpear contributors and thousands of others out there advocating, working, educating and marching on for our young people in all fields--I have hope. I have hope also for those who have been incarcerated and have not had the key interventions that are so needed but on the way. I must believe that!!

  2. Carolyn - We have to continue to have hope. Life without hope would be dreary at best. I didn't see the 60 Minutes interview of Mr. Hrabowski, however, I will make a point of following your link to watch it. The organization that i support .. BDPA is having its 2012 national conference in Baltimore ... and it sounds like this is a man that BDPA should be connecting with because of his work in the STEM field.

    Thanx for the tip ... and the kind words!


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