January 1, 2012

Happy New Year Villagers!

We all wake up this morning with the knowledge that we've made it to the second year of the new decade. We enter into 2012 with an opportunity to make all things new again. I enter into yet another year with this blog, Electronic Village, and wonder what the new year will bring in terms of content, comments and viability.

It is hard to keep up the consistency with a blog in today's world with the movement that many have made to other social networks like Facebook or Twitter. However, I will continue to try to keep this blog up and running. My hope is that we find our voice in 2012 to such an extent that more of you begin to share your insights with us.

I suspect that the big story of 2012 will be the presidential elections.  However, we will also up the ante on our discussions about politics, Black culture, economics and such.

In any case, at this point ... we simply want to wish all of you a glorious New Year!

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