March 5, 2012

Taser Death: Nehemiah Dillard (Gainesville, FL)

It happened again! Earlier today Alachua County Sheriff deputies used their taser guns at least twice on a patient at the Meridian Behavioral Healthcare located in Gainesville, FL. They were called to the location to handle 29-year-old Nehemiah Lazar Dillard who was tearing up property, throwing chairs, and threatening staff. [SOURCE]

Deputies tried to talk Mr. Dillard down ... and when that didn't work they blasted him with 50,000 volts of electricity from their taser. Dillard continued to fight back. A second shot was fired from the taser gun. This second electrocution effort brought Dillard down. He was transported to a local hospital ... where he was promptly pronounced dead.

An active investigation is underway to determine the cause and manner of death. The sheriff deputies involved in this taser-related killing have not been identified to the public yet.  An autopsy is expected to be performed in the upcoming days. Further details will be made available upon investigation.


  1. Peace & Blessings to The Editors,Reader of this publication.
    My Name is Brother Roy H. Muhammad I'am the oldest Brother of Nehemiah Lazar Dillard, My Lil'Brother was A God Fearing Man!He was a Father,Husband,Brother & A Son. My Beloved Brother was MURDERED!BY THE ALACHUA SHERIFF'S DEPT! We want JUSTICE! My Niece & Nephew are left without A Father!My sister-n-law without a Husband!My Family without A Brother & Son! When will Enough be Enough? When will we Truly Standup as A People United as ONE? And STOP THE INJUSTICE!!! R.I.P. Nehemiah L. Dillard

  2. Brother Roy - I'm very sorry for your loss. Our prayers are with you and your family.

    What can we do to help?

  3. You've done some much in just having this Electronic Village. What I need is name's and organizations that truly fight for Justice! for The Poor!im fighting from California and My Family is Fighting from My Hometown Gainsville,Florida. We need local freedom fighter's there Because from California By The Help of Almighty God i will be Fighting Hard for My Family here. I want Full in Complete Justice for everyone who have lost a Love one,due to Police use of a Taser Gun which I believe is misconduct,abuse, and human rights violations. "Let's Fight The Good Fight!"

    Thank you, again
    Brother Roy

  4. Brother Roy - You should consider contact with the local NAACP branch in Gainesville FL *or* with the SCLC branch (if there is one) in your town. Both of those organizations have been vocal on the issues of taser-deaths in the past.

  5. Thank you, im currently reaching out to several organizations & newspapers

  6. Thank you, im currently reaching out to several organizations & newspapers


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