July 4, 2012

Taser Death: Corey McGinnis (Cincinnati, OH)

It happened again! This time a 35-year old father who was trying to protect his children was electrocuted-to-death by the taser gun of an unidentified Springfield Township (OH) police officer.

Corey McGinnis never regained consciousness after he was electrocuted with a Taser on June 26 by officers from Springfield Township and North College Hill who were called to a big fight in Crutchfield Park. “He collapsed right there on the scene,” his niece said. He was rushed to a local hospital where he died five days after the incident. [SOURCE]

Four of his children were at the park with their father. Two of them, boys ages 15 and 16, were involved in the basketball game when their opponents attacked them.

It will be weeks, possibly months, before the Hamilton County Coroner makes an official ruling on his cause of death. But relatives say they’re convinced the Taser shock must be to blame for the death of McGinnis, a healthy 35-year-old who exercised regularly.

The police won't be able blame this one on drugs or 'excited delirium'.
We, as people, need to bring some kind of attention to these tasings because Corey is not the first person to die after being tased and he won’t be the last unless we do something,” Corey's niece, Lisa McGinnis said. “It’s supposed to be a safer alternative, but it’s been shown time and time again that people are dying after being tased.”


  1. My next door neighborhood - I am in Mt. Healthy. I cannot believe how so many well intended police think that tasers are "safe" and end up killing people like a roll of the dice. For everyone not killed there are dozens who suffer seizures and week and months of nerve damage. Those injuries never get reported, I fear. The supposedly "safe" tasers take thinking out of "keeping" the peace. Just has to stop! Perhaps, when President Obama is re-elected, we can get DOJ and FBI to study and recommend the end of their use/abuse...

  2. Ned - I guess you and I are virtual neighbors ... I'm out in Mason (although currently visiting my mom out in Los Angeles). Anyhow, I agree that there are unintended effects of death and injury by the over-use of tasers in police departments around the nation. I understand that tasers do good work ... but, I think that the training must not be sufficient. I hope that federal oversight is forthcoming...


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