October 17, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Obama Feeds His Soul at MLK Memorial

Pinterest: All Things Obama

1 comment:

  1. This is moving on a level that exceeds politics. In fact, during the dedication when Aretha Franklin sung Dr. King's favorite song "Precious Lord"; the President was clearly moved. He rocked back and forth and became tearful especially during the verse.....

    "When the darkness appears and the night draws near
    And the day is past and gone
    At the river I stand
    Guide my feet,
    Hold my hand
    Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home"

    One can only imagine what he was thinking in this photo--for being the most powerful man in the world and beholding to "everyone" can be a lonely and complicated venture. I imagine Dr. King was feeling quite alone before he was assassinated. Folks tend to forget that he had lost favor with many of his allies and brethren for taking the global stand that he did.


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