December 28, 2012

Racist Fool in Kentucky Mocks President Obama Holding Watermelon

President Barack Obama is the first president since FDR to win back-to-back elections with over 50% of the nationwide vote. Yet, he is still the recipient of racism and disrespect from a growing number of idiots. Case in point? Some idiot in Kentucky put a life-sized mannequin in his front yard of President Obama holding a slice of watermelon. [SOURCE]
"The way I look at it, it's freedom of speech," said Danny Hafley. "I don't know how other people will take it."
Hafley bought the Obama mask on sale after Halloween and put up the display around the time of November's presidential election. The mannequin, dressed in a grey suit, clip-on tie and blue-collared shirt, stands out near the road in front of Hafley's house.

I was disappointed to learn that his neighbors didn't appear to mind having the racist display on their block ... all except one neighbor:
"If he wants to place it someplace else that would be fine," said the neighbor. "We don't have Black people in this community but I'm sure they travel this road like everybody else does. They could be offended. I don't agree with it."
When will Americans rise up and let their neighbors, co-workers and online friends know that these types of racially-based displays are simply unacceptable?


  1. For them to rise up they would first have to agree that such displays are racist and harmful to Black people. The silence says that this neighbourhood enjoys its White privilege and has no intention of giving it up.

  2. Renee - Yeah ... you're right. First a person needs to acknowledge the problem. Only then can the problem be fixed. Too many folks appear to think that these racist folks are NOT a problem. That is sad...

  3. Well....first of all they'd have to give a shit and many of our tooth challenged, once a week bathing, non-deep thinking, redneck having fellow Americans just don't.

  4. Reggie - I wish that my blog had a 'LIKE' button ... cuz I would have clicked on it with your comment!

  5. It's instances like these, that make me ashamed I'm from Kentucky.

  6. It's instances like these, that make me ashamed I'm from Kentucky.
    Everybody likes watermelon!

  7. It's instances like these, that make me ashamed I'm from Kentucky.


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