December 4, 2012

Taser Lawsuit: Family of Robert Neill Wins $900,000 from Mount Joy (PA) City Council

I told y'all that the Mount Joy Borough Police screwed up big-time when they tasered 61-year old Robert Neill back on November 6, 2010. It appears that the Mount Joy Borough Council agreed with me. They approved a $900,000 settlement to the Neill family. [SOURCE]

Neill was tased 15 times by former police Officer Tyson Woods. The pre-judicial electrocution lasted two seconds to 28 seconds - 119 seconds total - during a 10-minute span.

The lawsuit claimed police used excessive force and failed to use or enforce appropriate-use-of-force policies. There was no alcohol or illicit drugs in Neill's system, according to a toxicology screening.

Mount Joy Mayor Mary Ginder notified Woods on April 2, 2012, that he was being fired for violating the police department's use-of-force policy.

A few more $1 million pay-outs should change things when it comes to taser deaths in America, huh?

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