March 2, 2014

Book Review: 'Zero Day' by David Baldacci

Zero Day (John Puller, #1)Zero Day by David Baldacci

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoy David Baldacci as an author. As such, I didn't have any problem listening to a new character that Baldacci introduces to his readers in Zero Day. John Puller is our hero ... a rather straight-forward man with a complicated family tree that includes a brother convicted of treason and locked up for life ... and a father who is going senile after retiring from the military with 2-stars and a powerful reputation with his troops.

This story revolves around a military mystery taking place in a small West Virginia town. We learn about the true meaning of 'coal country' as well as a unique epilogue to the 1960s cold-war mentality of the United States of America in the post-9/11 era.

I listened to the CDs while driving from Cincinnati-to-Tulsa ... and it made the drive an enjoyable (albeit long) one! I do recommend it for anyone that is a Baldacci fan ... or a West Virginia fan!

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