March 18, 2014

Fiat Lux: The UC Riverside Song

I graduated from the University of California, Riverside (UCR) in 1981. I must admit that I enjoyed my time at UCR. Heck, I served as the president of the student body for one of my years on campus ... and I met my (first) wife ... and had an internship that led to a 20+ year career with the federal government. UCR was fun. As such, it is with pride that I share 'Fiat Lux: The UCR Song' with all villagers!

The song was created by Cameron Booth '13 (and performed with Walter Cabal '11) to inspire Highlanders to think of Riverside fondly. Booth created as a thank you for alumni, donors, students and lovers of UCR everywhere. It worked for me.

My favorite line in the song? ' undefeated since 1975!'. Enjoy my Pinterest homage to UC Riverside.   Feel free to send me any UCR-related photos you may have and I'll add them to the board!

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