June 4, 2014

Black Couple Use Motorcycle Ride to Raise Money for STEM Education

Michael Wulf is a longtime BDPA member currently serving as vice president of BDPA Midwest region. He received the President’s Volunteer Service Award in both 2012 and 2013, acknowledging his tireless work with the Student Information Technology Education & Scholarship (SITES) program hosted by the BDPA Twin Cities chapter.

Michael & Elizabeth Wulf
Michael found a new and unique way to raise money for the SITES program that is offered free-of-charge by BDPA volunteers. He and his wife Elizabeth plan to ride their motorcycles around the perimeter of the United States to raise needed funds to jump-start the creation of an academy that will run on a hosted online course management system. The 'Ride-4-Charity' fundraiser takes place from June 8-18, 2014. Michael and Elizabeth will ride over 7000 miles, across 26 states, during those 10 days.

Funds are being collected by the BDPA Education and Technology Foundation. Donations go directly towards the creation of an online course room that will be used for software, infrastructure and ongoing support. Online course rooms will be deployed across the United States taking free volunteer-led technical training out to communities and community centers where they can benefit most.

BDPA has the volunteer base and passion to serve future IT professionals and leaders. Their motto is 'from the Classroom to the Boardroom'. Volunteers will collaborate with students and guide them through training they normally would not get. This 'facilitated' style of training creates the confidence needed by students as they consider post-secondary education and careers in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM). BDPA and the Wulf family want kids in the United States to be the inventors, creators or innovators and not just consumers.

To find out more or support this cause, please check out www.Ride4Charity.org or Facebook: Ride4Charity.
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