January 26, 2007

Golden Anniversary

My father (son of Izona Broyles, aka 'Big Mama' and Walter Hicks) and my mother (daughter of George W. Crockett Jr and Ethelene Jones) celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary tomorrow (1/27). Each of us realizes the challenges of maintaining a marriage in today's world. It is a mystery for those of us in them ... and it is impossible to understand for those on the outside.

My mom and dad put four children through college. They have lived in the same home for the last 40+ years of their marriage ... with a brief time outside of the house while it was rebuilt from a fire. They have six grandchildren. They are both now retired. My dad retired from a long career as an aeronautical engineer ... and my mom retired from an equally long and distinguished career as an educator.

Anyhow, their children and grandchildren are spread all across the nation ... and in heaven. However, we can all gather here in cyberspace to send them some love. If you have a moment today ... please reach out by phone or email to wish a Golden Wedding Anniversary to Wayne & Liz Hicks.


  1. What a beautiful tribute to them. It seems they've led exemplary lives and should be touring the schools and libraries to share with many about their success story to all who will listen.

    This is certainly a featured post of others on my sidebar.

    A love story! Congratulations and happy golden anniversary!

  2. Rosemarie,
    Thank you very much for the kind words! I happened to read your comments shortly after my Fathers Day call to my Dad. It truly is amazing to consider 50 years of marriage to the same person. You are right ... any couple with 50+ years of marriage should be given a platform to share their secrets with the rest of us!

    peace, Villager


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