June 11, 2007

Colin Powell & Barack Obama

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell was on the NBC show, "Meet the Press" earlier yesterday. He indicated that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama sought advice on foreign policy matters. Powell said he has met twice with Obama, the Illinois senator.

"I've been around this town a long time and I know everybody who is running for office. And I make myself available to talk about foreign policy matters and military matters with whoever wishes to chat with me," Powell said.

One of the most disappointing moments in American political history was when Powell announced that he was a Republican. I remember hoping that he would run for the presidency as a Democratic candidate after he left office as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under the first President Bush. So, I was encouraged today when Powell said it was too early in the 2008 race to say whether he would back a GOP nominee.

"I'm going to support the best person that I can find who will lead this country for the eight years beginning in January of 2009," Powell said.

Powell was secretary of state under President Bush and Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman for the first President Bush.

Powell said he does not want to serve in elected office but was less certain about a return to some government post. "I would not rule it out. I am not at all interested in political life if you mean elected political life. That is unchanged. But I always keep my eyes open and my ears open to requests for service," he said.

How great would it be to see Powell serving in the first Obama administration?! Colin Powell would give instant foriegn policy credibility to Barack Obama. It would bring together two of the most recognizable politicians of African descent in the nation. Villagers, what do you think about the idea of Colin Powell endorsing Barack Obama for the presidency?


  1. That might scare some African-American voices away from Obama, wouldn't it? I mean, Powell did stand up and try to convince everyone that Saddam was manufacturing WMDs, didn't he? And wasn't that performance not good?

  2. Rethabile - I imagine that Powell's performance at the United Nations that day is the single greatest regret in his public service career. Personally, I would forgive him that transgression if he would support Barack Obama. I think it would be a remarkable thing to see the greatest Black military man in history support Barack Obama in his quest for the presidency.

    peace, Villager

  3. What exactly IS Barack Obama's position on Iraq and the Middle East besides showing how much he is against the war in Iraq?

    He is for the war in Afghanistan and believes that there are too few troops in country. He said that the Taliban is gaining in strength in THEIR OWN COUNTRY and the United States should assure that proper resources are there to confront them.

    What about the NATO forces who are not in Iraq? If Afghanistan is a legitimate war (because Barack agrees with it) while Iraq is an illegitimate war (because Barack disagrees with it) why aren't the world partners asked to apply more troops since America is more committed elsewhere?

    If Barack is elected president "I was always against this war" is not an adequate policy in dealing with the realities in the region. He is not going to be able to BLAME GEORGE BUSH in February 2009 for the conditions there because HE would be in the hot seat, required to address them.

    Why don't you all press him to add more meat to his policies?

  4. I think asking Powell for advice is a very intelligent move. Powell is probably better informed than anyone and has a lot of respect internationally. Yes he made a mistake, and he has acknowledged it. He would be an excellent ally for Obama.

  5. Aaaah, we can dream, can't we? lol

    Honestly, it was Powell that I truly had wanted to see run for president. But his wife, Alma, has too much sense to allow that to happen.

    It would be wonderful to see Powell join Obama in any kind of role. It's time for some people who have the guts like both of them to come together and try to put America back on a positive course.

    Excellent recap post! Somehow I missed Meet the Press on Sunday.

  6. Constructive Feedback - Thank you for taking time to visit us here in the Electronic Village We encourage wide range of views as we sit under the baobob tree.

    Anyhow, it appears that Obama shared his Plan to End the Iraq War on his official campaign website. Does it contain sufficient details?

    peace, Villager

  7. Natalie & KweenKong - Asante sana for your visit and your insights. It would truly be a powerful combination if Powell were to endorse Obama.

    peace, Villager

  8. Here's something interesting while surfing here:


    Expose Obama...this was a link on your Google Ads. I think this is a conflict of interest regarding your support.

    Powell & Obama...anything is possible.

  9. You have officially made it to my blogroll. There's good stuff not to be missed here!

  10. I know this is an older post but I will comment anyway. I have lost tremendous respect for Powell. He left office quietly and remained silent while people died in an unfair war. He should have left the Bush administration and spoken out against the Iraq policy. He could have spearheaded a movement that would have had us long out of Iraq by now.

  11. Rosemarie - I never thanked you for finding our village and staying with us these past few weeks! I hope you continue to be a powerful voice around the baobob tree.

    Stewart - It is never too late to add your village voice to the discussions here around the baobob tree. I agree with your assessment of Colin Powell. I feel that he lost a tremendous opportunity twice. First, he would have been a legit candidate for presidential office if he had made that decision back in 2000. Secondly, I wish he had become a more vocal critic of the war once he retired. What mighta been...

    peace, Villager


    Con-men fall prey to other conners,
    Then wind up making stupid boners--
    As even it was obvious
    When Powell made distortion thus
    Appear as fact--to the UN--
    And patsy played for foolish men.

    It was a culmination of
    So many cons, and that´s what drove
    So many people into wrong--
    Rogue nation, many millions strong.
    Accumulated lies, deceit:
    What other end but could they meet?

    Once started this infernal war
    Unjustly, men marched through the door
    Upon a "New World Order" they
    Half dreamed that have to rue the day,
    But the result of cockeyed dreams
    Is but default and dust, it seems.

  13. i.m.small - Very creative poetic twist to the Neo-Con story. Thank you for sharing your village voice and I hope you will come back often in the future.


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