June 8, 2007

Technology Jobs From the Classroom to the Boardroom

Villagers, please pass along this information to anyone you know in the information technology industry... especially if they are unemployed or under-employed. Take advantage of your relationship with BDPA to access a number of job listings and career opportunities. BDPA corporate sponsors actively seek diverse talent from the BDPA resume database.

There are immediate career opportunities in the following areas:

  • Information Technology – 186 jobs
  • Computer Software – 89 jobs
  • Computer Services – 58 jobs
  • Computer Hardware – 56 jobs
You can reach out to BDPA for more details. Job seekers and recruiters are encouraged to check out these opportunities.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for commenting on something so different than your post, but I just wanted to express my condolences to the Hilliard family here. My father and Dr. Hilliard go way, way back. I just know that Dr. Hilliard was a great man and will be remembered for his love of the continent and his fervor for passing the same knowledge on to the next generation.

    Thanks villager for your tribute to a true hero.


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