October 27, 2007

The Noose: An American Nightmare

UPDATE: This special report has been upstaged in the past week by the California wild fires. The Electronic Village learned today that the show will be broadcast in its entirety on November 1 @ 8 pm (ET).

Since July, there have been more than a dozen reported incidents of nooses being displayed around the nation apparently intended to intimidate Black people. CNN investigates whether the upsurge in these acts are associated with the events surrounding "The Jena 6" in Louisiana or part of a growing, more widespread racial intolerance. CNN’s Kyra Phillips will anchor a special one-hour report, CNN: Special Investigations Unit – The Noose: An American Nightmare, on Tuesday, Oct. 23, at 8 p.m. (ET). It will re-air on Saturday, Nov. 3 and Sunday, Nov. 4 at 8pm ET/PT.

Nooses have been found in small towns like Winchester, Ky. and Elgin, Ill., as well as in cities like Philadelphia and New York, where a noose was hung on the door of a Columbia University professor’s office. The Coast Guard Academy, in New London, Conn., is also investigating two separate noose incidents.

Through interviews with historian James Allan and Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center, Phillips will trace America’s history of lynchings – an atrocity that gives the noose its horrifying meaning. Phillips also examines law enforcement efforts led by the bias crimes coordinator with Nassau County (N.Y.) Police, which tracks downs those who commit hate crimes. She also talks to educators in Philadelphia about what young people are being taught about the nation’s history of racial hatred.

Kyra Phillips was excellent in her in-depth investigation, Judgment in Jena, that aired on the day of the Jena March. I encourage villagers to check out her new investigative show on nooses. Let us know what you think about the show. OK?


  1. Thanks so much for the tip. I'll try my best to see it. Shoud be interesting.

  2. Thanks for the reminder. Going to call all my peeps right now to give them a heads up.

  3. Can't got homework-CNN will re-air it about a thousand times between now and next week, anyway.

  4. This has been rescheduled to air on Thursday at 8:00.

  5. Eddie, AJ & Woozie - Evidently it will show again on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

  6. I missed it. Please give me a summary or update.

  7. Is CNN going to air this again? I am a librarian and have had several requests for this program, but I can't find when it will air again or where I can purchase a copy for our school library. This is such an important message for our youth. Thanks for any help that can be provided!

  8. Denise - Click here for updates on the next showing of the documentary. I think it is showing again this coming weekend.


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