December 19, 2007

CBC Demands Pardon for Jena Six

My grandfather was a member of the Congressional Black Caucus back in the day. I supported the efforts of the CBC when I served as national president of an association of Black information technology professionals. However, it has been a long time since I've seen anything positive come from the CBC. As such, I was pleasantly surprised when fifteen CBC members asked Gov. Kathleen Blanco for clemency on behalf of Mychal Bell and the five members of the Jena Six. [source]

"We believe Mychal Bell and the Jena 6 have paid a sufficient debt to society for any transgressions they may have committed," Barbara Lee (D-CA) wrote in her letter on Wednesday. "The pardon power was regarded by the Founding Fathers as the 'power of grace' because of its capacity to bring about healing and reconciliation. That is what is sorely needed in Jena today."

Blanco's spokeswoman, Marie Centanni, is quoted by the Associated Press as saying that the governor is unable to grant pardons without a recommendation from the Louisiana Pardon Board. Oddly enough, a similar request made by the caucus to Blanco in September was received with a statement from Blanco's office saying the governor can only grant pardons after a person has been convicted and sentenced.

Scooter Libby received a commutation of his jail sentence ... and he will likely be pardoned in full by the president next year at this time. It is a shame that Gov. Blanco is a spineless government bureaucrat and not a true leader.

Anyhow, Villagers, do you agree with the CBC ... have the Jena 6 suffered enough punishment? Is a pardon the way to go at this point?


  1. So, the blacks want a pardon for 6 black thugs that stomped a white boy unconcious, a white boy who did nothing to the 6 stompers.

    What message are you trying to send to the white population? The message they are going to get is that the law will not protect them from black criminals and that they must take care of their own protection.

    Whites will start carrying weapons and will start gunning down blacks that they feel are a threat to their safety, and rightfully so.

    That the CBC demands a pardon for these thugs shows the black mindset for the hybrid ape brain that it is.

    You are all fools! You are inviting race war. If a pardon is granted, the first thing I will do is apply for a gun permit and I will carry my weapon with me everywhere I go.

    I will protect my family and myself from blacks.

  2. ^ O lawd, David Duke done come tah town. Hide the chikin!

  3. Oh well, all said and done.. Let's leave everything to God and let him do what is right for each and everyone of us. Pardon will be given to people who deserve it. It may not be under the power of human but in the power of God. He see everything and will get who deserve it. Everyone needs a second chance because everyone can make a mistake. Because Nobody is perfect. A lesson to learn.

    Merry Christmas to you Villager. Keep blogging your views and opinion. All may not agree but you always got your point and all of us deserves the freedom of expression.

  4. Wayne! Villagers! Merry Christmas and Happy Kwanzaa to you and yours and Peace on Earth.
    *Group Hugs!*

  5. I am not a David Duke. I am trying to point out to blacks that they are being used by Zionists to further their agenda. The Zionist owned media wants blacks and whites at each others throats so that we will not notice the underhanded devils work they are doing in Washington and the rest of the world.

    The Jew impostors running our government are our common enemy. They play one group against another and use us like condoms and then dispose of us when they are through screwing us.

    Blacks and whites need to unite, not fight.

  6. Truthful and Woozie - Merry Christmas to you both. Truthful, I do hope that the joy from the Christmas season will bust through your racist mindset in 2008.

    Tey & Saboma - Thank you for the Christmas greetings. I wish you & your family a joyous Christmas as well!

  7. Saboma - Thank you for the link to the David Bowie & Bing Crosby duet on Little Drummer Boy. Wonderful song and sentiments on this Christmas eve.

  8. i do not believe a pardon is in order. although, i will not take the path (of least resistance to the racist mindset) of "truthful," because his/her reply is nothing but a racist rant...

    ...BUT these young men should receive some punishment for their role in the attack. i do not agree that they should've been charged with second degree attempted murder (how ludicrous)... but charges of assault should be brought before the court in their town.

    the CBC should be pushing for a Justice Dept. probe into the judge/court in Jena, LA for charging these boys as men for attempted murder... talk about judicial malfesance!!! but why push for a pardon? i don't understand.

  9. plez - I agree that all six young men should be punished. My hope is that someone will do for them as Bush did for Scooter Libby when he was convicted of a crime.

    I wonder if the five youngsters (not Mychel Bell) are back in school?

  10. "It is a shame that Gov. Blanco is a spineless government bureaucrat and not a true leader." - Did you not learn that after Katrina?...

  11. All Seeing Eye - Yes, I keep hoping that people will learn from their mistakes and do better the next time they have opportunity to do so. People like Gov. Blanco and Clarence Thomas are the exceptions that prove the rule.


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