January 15, 2008

Blackman Killed by Police Taser Gun in Florida

Drumbeats from Vanessa Unplugged and Tasered While Black blogs inform us that another Black citizen has been killed by police using taser gun. Since when does disorderly conduct behavior at a Friday night party warrant the death penalty from police officers that decide to be judge, jury and executioner? Take a moment to check out the video reports here and here then let me know what you think.


  1. Due to the recent and controversial taser incidents (that pregnant black woman who wouldn't sign the traffic ticket comes to mind), I find myself extremely suspicious of police accounts of their use of the taser.

    If a person is not being violent, no cop should have the right to inflict 50,000 volts of electricity to anyone - and especially women, who they can easily overcome physically.

  2. SheCodes - I agree with you. I'm told that every police department has a written policy on the order for using various methods to subdue a suspect or adversary. For example, verbal command is one of the first things that should be used. Pulling out your handgun and shooting the suspect dead is probably the last method. Where does using the taser gun stand? Is it closer to pulling out the gun or to verbal command ... because it sure seems like that taser gun gets pulled out real quick by most cops.

  3. I question the use of the Taser because it seems that there is no way to judge the impact it will have on an individual.

    I have seen people tasered in Ohio and some survive and others have not been so fortunate.

    Plus the response when a person shows signs of distress. There are No real attempts made to offer any first aid. That has been the M.O. in a lot of incidents. Which makes me feel as if the officers involved realize the victim is dying and they have no intention of responding.

    When the taser is used seems to be an individual call. While the law claims to have guidelines, it appears that it is up to the officer's discression as to when it is used.

    It is definitely a lethal weapon. One that needs to be used in extereme cases.

  4. Villager -

    Where does using the taser gun stand?

    It was supposed to be the last thing before pulling out the gun, in fact it was supposed to be the alternative to the gun.

    It has often become the first thing after verbal command.

    Tasers have become what from the first I feared they would become: a convenience, a way of "enforcing compliance," rather than a last resort before guns. They should be banned because as repeated incidents have shown, police cannot be trusted to use them as they were supposedly intended.

  5. Lady Deb & Larry E - I'm more and more concerned about the use of tasers ... especially in the Black community. I think that we (Black bloggers) may need to organize some attention on this matter. I agree that the taser appears to be used in a ad-hoc manner by the police ... and it is being used much too often!

  6. As a black blogger and a black police officer (ex)..I would say comply with the police officers commands. Dont run, dont talk sh*t, just do what needs to be done without causing a problem. Why is that so hard to understand!

    Any logical person knows that if niggas are dying from tasers then thats the last thing I would want to happen to me....DUHHH!
    Its like you guys think blacks are retards that should have a different set of rules!!!


  7. Kodiack - As an ex-police officer can you tell us what is the correct term for the policy that defines the order in which force can be used? I imagine that 'verbal command' is first option for police officer and 'deadly force' is the last option. What is that progression of force formally called within the law enforcement industry?

    Where do you usually find 'use of taser weapon' on that progression?

  8. ???
    No matter where it is on the "use of force continuum"..my comment was about complying with the officers commands. Why is that so easily skipped? Is it difficult for black people to to comply?

    If tasers kill then dont do anything to get tased..what are we telling our children I wonder!!!

  9. Kodiak - I think most Black families counsel their children (especially young males) to be courteous and non-confrontational with police. That is standard operating procedure even outside of the deep south nowadays.

    Thank you for the term I was seeking ... "use of force continuum". If a citizen wanted to find out the official 'use of force continuum' in their community... is it publically available?

  10. It most defenitly would be available to the public once asked....

  11. Kodiack - Thank you. I think that I'm going to do some research and publish the general Use of Force Continuum on my blog for posterity. It just seems that some of these taser incidents are jumping to the level with tasers before taking advantage of the other levels (presence, verbal commands, empty hand techniques and such).

    My understanding is that tasers are not supposed to be lethal and yet we have five people dead in January 2008 from police tasers. That just seems wrong to me...


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