January 23, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Ruby Dee

Ruby Dee is the only African American nominated for a major Oscar this year. Her nomination as best actress in a supporting role came as a result of appearance in the American Gangster.

Ruby was a young woman when she played opposite Sidney Poitier in Raisin in the Sun on both Broadway and big screen.

Of course she was married for over 56 years to Ossie Davis. I hope that she wins the Oscar! Good luck Ruby!


  1. she's a legend indeed! didn't her husband die this past year? very sad.....

  2. American Gangster, a good movie which I have yet watched. maybe soon and check out Ruby Dee's performance.

    thanks for dropping by my blog! ;)

  3. She looks and sounds like one awesome lady! Happy WW and thanks for stopping by.

  4. I don't know her but she looks beautiful. Happy WW!

  5. I don't know her but I will be watching the movie, American Gangster.

  6. all the best to her!

    thanks for the visit :)

  7. I haven't seen American Gangster, but Ruby Dee is a fabulous actress. I've admired her for some time.

    My Wordless Wednesday

  8. Here here! Anybody who works that hard has to win...well, is really a winner, no matter how you slice it. Happy WW and thx for the visit. :)

  9. I watched the American Gangster, was she the one who played Denzel's mother? I didn't recognize her. It was a good movie, my husband and I enjoyed it. I'm a huge Denzel fan :D

  10. Here's hoping she wins recognition. It would be a just recognition, not only for a great role but also for a long and distinguished career. Happy WW

  11. I've watched Ruby Dee practically all my life. She's a marvelous actor along with her husband! :)

  12. congratulations & goodluck to her :)

    tks for leaving your fingerprint at my humble place..
    wirelessbliss: when it rains, it pours...

  13. I had the pleasure of meeting Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis many years ago in college and having dinner with them. They were wonderful people. I do find it more than irritating however that the Oscar's to often recognize the talents of Denzel and Ruby Dee in this case, when they are showcased in films like American Gangster. Don't get me wrong, I hope Ruby is honored. But I am always unhappy to see the "The Color Purple" effect at play in the recognition of black actors.

  14. ZJ - Yes, Ruby Dee played his mom in the movie.

    Aaron & Alaine - I used to be troubled by the fact that Denzel won the Oscar for his role as a bad copy in Training Day but, was ignored for his role in Malcolm X. However, we are ignored so often ... that I'm learning to try to appreciate the times when we do get recognized ... such as this opportunity for Ruby Dee.

  15. A nice tribute, Happy WW

  16. I never heard of her but I wish he win the award..;)
    Happy WW! mine is here take a peak if you have time..;)

  17. Hi!Thanks for sharing.That is an added knowledge for me.

  18. Hi!Thanks for the visit at my blog.

  19. HI Villager,

    I am very happy Ruby Dee has been nominated. I have not seen American Gangster and I'm not sure I will but recognition for Ms Dee is long over due.

    I have seen her in quite a few things; Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing comes to mind.

    I just hope that there will be an Academy Awards this year!

  20. MDC - I haven't seen American Gangster yet. Often I wait for the movie to come to DVD then order it via my Netflix subscription. That's my plan for American Gangster.

    I hope Ruby wins as well!

  21. She's a marvelous actress and indeed....a legend.
    Thanks for the visit Dahling. :-)
    Happy WW

  22. When I was growing up, we had an glossy, elegant cat named Ruby Dee.

  23. I haven't had the seen American Gangster before but now I will have to watch it. Hope she wins.

  24. Mama Lucas!! 83 years old but still a strong actress :)

  25. I loved American Gangster. She was great. Happy WW!

  26. thanks for stopping by today, I have to say I have never heard of her before. But she is very beautiful. Happy WW

  27. I haven't seen the movie but I wish her luck.

  28. Ruby Dee definitely deserves an Oscar. I haven't seen American Gangster yet, but she is an excellent actress.

    Happy WW!

  29. Though Ossie Davis (her late husband) is no longer with us, Ruby Dee is still a legend who we should continue to adore and cherish. She has seen it all.

    Great link of Ruby & Ossie:

  30. Love Ruby Dee!! She and her late husband have just stood for so much over the years.

    When I read that she was going to appear in American Gangsters I was so glad for her to still be deemed relevant in a movie at this point in her life.

    She has a beautiful spirit and comes straight through the screen. I hope that we can see much more of her.


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