I admit that I was somewhat depressed about the results of Super Tuesday. However, I feel better today after watching Barack Obama sweep through Louisiana, Nebraska, Washington and the US Virgin Islands. Obama won Louisiana's Democratic primary with 57 percent of the vote and bested Clinton in the Washington and Nebraska caucuses by a 2-1 margin.
"The voters from the West Coast to the Gulf Coast to the heart of America stood up to say, yes we can," Obama said in a speech last night to a Democratic party dinner in Richmond, Virginia. "We won North, we won South, we won in between."
I notice that the MSM made a big deal of the fact that Clinton won 74% of the white vote in Louisiana while Obama won 83% of the Black vote in that state. I imagine that this is a factually correct statement, however, it dismisses the fact there are very few Black voters in Washington or Nebraska ... and Obama won big in both of those states. Currently, Obama has won 18 of the 28 states in which a primary or caucus has been held.
Our blog is going to use the unofficial delegate counts tallied by The Green Papers, a nonpartisan Web site. At least 2,025 delegates are needed to win the Democratic nomination. Obama is currently winning with pledged delegates 910 to 887. This count does not include delegates from Florida or Michigan. Nor do they include 796 so-called super delegates. Super delegates are Democratic Party officials and officeholders who aren't bound by primary or caucus results and can back whomever they choose. Clinton has 219 committed super delegates; Obama has 124; with 453 uncommitted.
There are six more primaries and caucuses in the next 10 days. Any thoughts or predictions on the presidential election you want to share with us today?
The concept of "super delegates" sucks! It totally ignores what "We The People" have been saying in these primaries and caucuses.
ReplyDelete"We The People" have spoken and we want Barack Obama as the democratic nominee: NOT Hillary.
The Super Delegates concept is just another "good ole boy" idea to keep themselves in power.
Can I be deported to Europe now?
Keala - The best thing for Obama campaign and supporters to do is to win enough pledged delegates so that the super-delegate votes won't matter. That means he needs to continue winning by wide margins as he did this past weekend ... and he needs to win Ohio or Texas. Can he do it?
yes we can