February 13, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: 20 Questions With Villager


  1. What a beautiful photograph. Happy WW

  2. Gorgeous!

    Thanks for visiting mine! Happy WW!

  3. wow that is stunning. I never thought a person could get that close.

  4. I love that picture. So many opposites coming together in harmony. Beautiful picture and theme. And those 20 questions! I can't believe your favorite color is purple lol - so is mine! And who knew you started this blog in Jan 2007? From the way you write I would've thought you had this blogs for years. I'm glad you're part of my daily dose of blog Villager - you're a great blogger and person :)

  5. Great picture! What it says to me is that the most powerful among us have some vulnerabilities. Simply breathtaking.

  6. Oh. My. Gosh. Simply breathtaking. I love animals, really love animals. Is this real??? Thx for sharing. Thx so much for inviting me to see it. Happy WW & St. Valentine's Day!

  7. I love this photo. Very awe inspiring.

    Happy WW!

  8. Can that be real? Amazing!

  9. Is that real? If so, that's amazing!!

  10. Wow that picture leaves me a bit breathless and also scared for that little girl. The rhino is really a majestic animal. Happy WW!

  11. I love a good photo and this one fits the bill...and your interview with Ms. Vanessa was absolutely wonderful!

  12. Beautiful photo, Villager.

    Thank you again for a fabulous interview.

    You must share your Art Linkletter experience with the reat of the Villagers. I probably saw you on the show because there were very few black kids on that show.

    Hey, you're a black history moment!

  13. Absolutely awesome photo and great blog. What is the story behind that photo - where was it taken? Reminds me of the Sheldrake's place in Nairobi. You have a beautiful village here.

  14. Great picture!

    Please come visit me and check my WW post for this week: First steps.

    Happy WW!

  15. All - Thank you for the kind words about the photo and the 20 Questions w/ Villager interview conducted by Vanessa (On the Black Hand Side).

    re: the Rhino & the little girl. The Rhino is my favorite animal. In fact, I use it as my avatar for a variety of reasons. That being said, I don't know if the photo shown is real or a creation of someone's imagination. I just thought it was a cool photo with a rhino it it...

  16. Wonderful photograph Villager, very interesting contrast with the strength and gentleness.

    Happy WW!

    Great 20 questions interview!


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