January 20, 2009

Our Prayers are with Ted Kennedy

Our Prayers are with Senator Kennedy! [re-published from 5/21/2008]


  1. Indeed. Get well.

    God bless, Villager.

  2. greetings,

    i had to say paryers for him and his family.
    i have always been fond of him. he will speak up and clip mess.

    good post!

  3. I am so not political, so I'll just say if he's sick, then I too hope he gets well... :?

    Happy WW. *huggies* (a/k/a Rhonda)

  4. He even makes the news here in Australia!!!

    I hope he gets well soon...

    Ours is up as well at burntofferings and more at bernies fotoblog.

    Have a great WW!!

  5. I an so used to having him around that I am unsure how to react if he passes.

  6. I wish him well too :)

    thanks for the visit! happy WW

  7. clnmike said ="I an so used to having him around that I am unsure how to react if he passes."
    i know clnmike, i feel the same way. out of all the politicians that are sick or have died, when i read this the other day, i felt a heaviness...a lost...

    brain tumor+operation+70-something years old...hummm i pray the operation is a success, but it would not suprise me if he retires from everything and enjoys the rest of the days he has been given.

    yes, it is the end of an era as marcia said.

  8. My prayers and well-wishes are with him...

  9. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I saw on your bio that your favorite book is the Autobiography of Malcolm X - I had the privilege of having dinner with Attilah Shabazz in Madrid once. She invited us to sit down with her and we were an hour into dinner before we figured out who she was. She was amazing, so gracious and sweet and funny. She told us to order some chicken on the menu that was so good and she said that her daddy used to say food like that would make your leg jiggle like a dog having his tummy rubbed. So whenever I think of something delicious I imagine Malcolm X saying "That's so good, it makes your leg shake." Reminds me that after all, he was just a normal, silly dad with his kids - like most men are.

    Anyway, just felt like sharing that with you. Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  10. I'm always amazed on how socially involved you are in your post! Happy WW!

  11. One of the most consistent voices on the left.

    Do not let it be silenced, not like this.

    Praying for remission...

  12. All - Thanks for your support of this Wordless Wednesday meme. I understand that Senator Kennedy's tumor is inoperable. That is not a good sign. For now, we keep him and his family in our prayers.

    Missy - That is a remarkable story. Thank you very much for sharing it with us. At the end of the day ... we are all human. Malcolm X was no exception...

  13. I'm also not in political figures.
    Happy WW.

  14. As others have said, we are certainly nearing the end of a political dynasty. I think the entire nation is in prayer for him and the family, regardless of political affiliation. He is an icon!

    I hope you'll get a chance to stop by and check out my WW contribution for today!

    Just Some Thoughts

  15. He must have changed a lot since 1971 ! when he was involved in so many scandals, lol ! We haven't heard very much ever since in Europe about him. I remember when he stayed with his wife Joan in the Brussels Hilton and the waiters had all the troubles of the world with them because they were completely drunken every night ! He even bumped into a window and cut his forehead !

  16. Yes, Villager, I hope he can beat this!

  17. hope he gets well..

    hope you can also check out our WW posts here and here. Happy WW! :)

  18. A great man from a great family!

    Sen. Kennedy's "passing of the torch" to the Man he feels is most suited to be the next President of the United States, Barack Obama (a man of mixed heritage), will go down in My history book along the greatest of other selfless acts of the "Liberal Lion" on behalf of the American people!

  19. It's just so sad. What a nice post. He's in my thoughts, and I hope he manages to come through this. I love the last shot of him with Obama.

    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  20. sidebar: you could support your folk and place dirt behind my ear under your amazon good reading - just a thought.

  21. sidebar: you could support your folk and place dirt behind my ear under your amazon good reading - just a thought.

  22. I wish Senator Kennedy a speedy recovery. Like him or not, he has made an indelible mark on the political landscape in America through his tireless dedication and hardwork.

  23. Gattina - All of us change between our early 20s and our golden years. Ted Kennedy is no different. I don't know about his drinking and such ... but, he is currently thought to be the best United States Senator in the past 50 years ... and perhaps in the top five all-time for all US Senators that we've had in the 200+ years of our nation's existance.

    Yes...he evolved and changed. I imagine that having your two brothers assassinated would have that impact on any of us...

  24. Truthiz - I imagine that many of the uncommitted superdelegates have it in their mind that Ted Kennedy endorsed Barack Obama, and perhaps they should do so too...

  25. I wish Sen. Kennedy all the best. My prayers go out to him and his family.

  26. He and his family are definitely in my prayers.

  27. This is a lovely tribute. He's such an accomplished man.

  28. This made the news in Seychelles as well. I wish him well.

  29. Nice tribute. May he be well soon.

    Thanks for dropping by. :D

  30. It's interesting how many Kennedys are in my life. The university I studied at in Buenos Aires is called "John F. Kennedy".

    At work, I'm currently working with MassGen, the hospital in which Ted Kennedy was staying these days. Even my boss' last name is Kennedy! :-)

    Thanks for dropping by, hope you had a great WW!

    My post...

  31. Gabriel - Wow ... those are some very strange coincidences with the Kennedy name, family and legacy. Thank you very much for sharing your village voice with us...


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