June 16, 2008

Jena 6 Youth Wants to Play Football

Mychal Bell, the teen at the center of the controversial Jena Six trial, is now a Carroll High School student. He awaits a decision from the hardship committee of the Louisiana High School Athletic Association, which meets in July. Bell spent 10 months in jail following the trial, and has already been in high school for eight semesters, but wants to play football in 2008. [SOURCE]


  1. Please do not lets this kid blow it.

  2. How is someone who has been in HS over 8semesters eligible to play? Don't you need at least a 2.0 to participate in sports. He is he at least going to be a senior next year?

  3. Hello there,

    I would like to see this child focus on academics rather than playing football....and WHY does a school allow any one to remain after four years....please...I finished highschool in two years and went on to college...

    This is utterly ridiculous...I am sorry.

    (shaking my head)

  4. Mike, Naima & Lisa - Hopefully, his family and other loved ones will use his desire to play football as leverage to get him to focus on academics. Of course, if being put in jail for over a year doesn't do it ... nothing will. The young man has another chance to live his life right. I join with Mike in hoping that he doesn't blow it...


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