June 30, 2008

Third Party Challenge to Obama and McCain

Did you see this late-breaking news in your part of the country yet?

Villager for president! What say u?


  1. Wayne, that's great! I'd vote for you...but you know I'm for Obama! Oh what to do? What to do/ Do ya think Obama would be your Vice-Presidential running mate? Ha! :)

  2. Too funny, Wayne.

    You would surely make a good president, with me as a top adviser, heh.

    Much love


  3. Go Wayne...
    Wayne 08, Yes He Can!!!

    Since Danielle is negotiating a position in your cabinet, I want to as well. What can you do for me first, then I'll support you. Ooh, I sound like Hillary.

  4. I love this. Just hope this is not a tactic to hide a hidden virus or Trojan. I would lose my rep as a security minded IT professional. :-))

  5. The Teach - My strategy is to have Obama pay off my debts (campaign or otherwise)! Once he does that then I will drop out of the race (smile)...

    Danielle - You would be my Secretary of State! We would get those human rights issues dealt with in our first month in office!

    Mrs. Grapevine - Methinks that you would be the Secretary of Education! We need to teach the world some of the lessons that are only available thru ol' school music. Plus, if your decision on education itinerary is anything like your decision on song selection ... our kids will all be MENSA!

    Cliff - Shyt ... don't scare a brotha! (smile)

  6. Hey! I want a Cabinet seat, too! Or can be the Chief of Staff...can I please!

  7. Sojourner - I would love to have you as my 'brain'. Did you ever watch the West Wing when it was on television? The 'chief of staff' was more important that the vice president!

    Mike - We're just havin' some fun...

  8. Oh yeah! Sounds like a plan...packing my bags right now! But wait...who'd you pick as your VEEP? The Teach? Does she hunt?

  9. Sojourner - I'm leaving the vice-presidential slot open until we get closer to the convention. This allows everyone to play nice with me in hopes of getting the nod for the VP slot!

  10. LOL I sent you one before I saw it here. GMTA!

  11. Vanessa - Yes, I rec'd your message. I rec'd the endorsement earlier from another. This is truly a remarkably creative piece of work...


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