July 18, 2008

Old School Friday: Randy Crawford

This week the theme for Old School Friday meme is 'Break Up Songs'. Do any of y'all remember Randy Crawford? She was a remarkable talent back in the early 1980s. The first song is technically in support of the week's theme. The second song is one of my all-time favorites. Enjoy them both!

'One Day I'll Fly Away'

'Street Life'


  1. I remember Randy Crawford quite well. One of my favorites by her is her version of "Knocking on Heaven's Door."

    Have a great weekend, Villager.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I remember Randy Crawford, especially the Street Life song. I never heard the first but I really like it. Don't ask my why or how I know, but she also had a song out with Rick Springfield waaaaay back in the day. Again, don't ask how I know that :-) Have a great weekend!

  4. Hotep Villager,

    Happy Friday to you!

    Great Choice!

    Randy Crawford is one of those singers that has had a place in my music library since I heard her first song.

    Have an interesting day!

  5. Got me this one Villager...first one is new to me, but Street Life I've always liked. Great choices.

    I invite you and your readers to check out SjP's on this OSF where breaking up with a little funk by the Ohio Players is playing all day.

    Have a great and safe weekend!

    P.S. - I'm nominating your Village Movie for an Oscar! (S-W!)

  6. Oh Yes! Love Randy Crawford's style. Another very underrated sister. Thanks for reminding me. I don't think The Crusaders' "Street Life" would not have been half as popular without the song stylings of Ms. Crawford. That was the party song!

  7. Hey Villager.

    Man, I'd forgotten all about Randy Crawford, and wouldn't have rung a bell until the "Street Life" song. She really nailed that one.

    Good choice!

  8. Two hits!!! And I know why you played Street Life, you're just ready to get your week-end jumpin'.

    I have to download Randy Crawford, I haven't heard that song in a minute...

  9. I had no idea who sang "Street Life"...i can remember hearing this song all the time when i was younger...glad to put a face with the song!

  10. Stacey - Knocking on Heaven's Door was a great song. I saw a video of Randy from a more recent taping she did in England. Like many of us, she has put on a few pounds...

    Kim - I imagine that she was looking for a payday whereever she could get one. She never really hit that next level in her career...

    Sojourner - I take it that you are an AKA soror?

    All - Thank you for sharing some of your time and thoughts with me on this week's OSF meme!

  11. Wow. I forgot all about her...thanks for this.

  12. OMG where the heck has she been? So many talented artist slip though the cracks and are forgotten. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Ooh, I love Randy Crawford...great choices!

    Sorry I'm late...Happy OSF!

  14. I surely do remember Randy Crawford! Great pick, I think her talent was under utilized. she has a very unique sound!

    and I always liked "streetlife"!


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