July 19, 2008

Sunday Inspirations: Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela turned 90 this weekend. He is one of the most remarkable people in the history of the world. He retired from public life back in 2004, however continues working to make poverty history.

Anyhow, we have talked about Mandela before. I remain inspired by his example and thought he would make a good subject for my weekly Sunday Inspiration meme.

It appears that Janus was inspired as well:

I encourage all villagers to sign Mandela's birthday card!


  1. I, too, am inspired by Mandela's committment to human rights.
    Have a blessed week.

  2. Happy 90th to the Honorable Nelson Mandela!

    Much obliged for stopping by for my Sunday Inspirations entitled: Be Careful of Who Helps You


  3. Happy Birthday to Mr. Mandela!

    Wonderful post...

  4. Hotep Villager!

    Thanks for making us aware of the birthday wishes link.

    Nelson Mandela is truly a remarkable man! I hope he lives to see more changes for the better.

  5. Happy 90th!!
    He certainly is such an inspiration! Thanks for sharing!


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