December 22, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Earthquake Vagina

MissRFTC gained hundreds of twitter followers, including me, when she shared the following tweet, "I am totally serious. My Ob/Gyn was IN my vagina and an earthquake started rattling the room!"


  1. Wow, yeah. I'd say that's a bad day. *shudder* *bigger shudder* Yikes!

    Thanks for sharing that. *chuckle* And thanks for visiting me earlier... Happy WW!

  2. :) what can i say?

    as a nurse i don't know how to interpret earthquake vagina???

    thanks for sharing.

    Happy Wednesday.

  3. Funny! If you wanted to get folk attention with this title, it worked! I read it on my blogroll and had to come over to see for myself.

  4. As a man I don't want to say I can imagine how that must have felt. But I am sure of one thing. That could not have been fun.

  5. I'll skip the obvious vibrator jokes. Got to be a scary feeling... you're in a pretty compromising position. I can't sympathize I'm afraid.

  6. Ooh that is horrifying!!


  7. Happy WW Villager!

    OK, having read the more restrained comments of your obviously more sane and responsible readers, I'll refrain from saying the first thing that came to my mind because, well, it just wasn't right...

    And I would invite your readers to check out my WW post right here..

  8. Believer 1964 - At least the title wasn't misleading (smile)...

    Mojo - You shoulda let go with the vibrator joke(s)!

  9. I am totally lost for words...!

    Happy WW!

  10. Oh no, that must have been a horrible experience. I hope there wasn't additional discomfort. I have to say, this is a pretty unique WW post. Thanks for mixing it up.

  11. uh, wow! Yep, I'd say that was a bad day...unless you like your world rocked like that!!

  12. Okay - you've loosed my imagination and it's not pretty!

  13. Over a year later and this post is still one of the most-viewed on my blog. Amazing what the word, 'vagina' will do for popularity...


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