August 30, 2008

Obama Photo Gallery

I encourage all Villagers to check out some remarkable photos of Barack Obama from Iowa through the general election. These wonderful shots of Obama's secret service and his supporters were taken by Scout Tufankjian. She is a photographer based in Brooklyn, New York.


  1. Beautiful memories captured to remain with us favorite? The one I found most in common with me...he's a 1 of 52!!!

  2. I clicked through these photographs and am just in awe, all over again...

    Scout is extremely talented and her lens captures the beauty of the moment. My favorite? The pic of Obama and the little boy...Obama's hand is on the little boy's head and the look on that boy's face is pure adoration and awe!

    Thanks for sharing this link...

  3. Roschelle - I'm a southpaw as well (smile)! It will be great to have a left-handed president!

    MsMarvalus - She took some remarkable photos. I encourage you to share link to her photo album with your blog readers as well...

  4. I am not American but when I see Obama I get all excited and feel some what proud. I don’t know what it is but that is the feeling I get. I really hope he makes it to the White House.


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