August 19, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Olympic Finger Art


  1. Lol, a great alternative to me having to watch the real thing.

  2. Amazing! I didn't know about this before. Happy WW! :)

  3. Those are GREAT, I am laughing still! Cute idea!

  4. Villager,

    These aren't just creative but really funny.Gave ame a much-needed early morning chuckle.

    Have a great day.

    And BTW, I thought your response on the taking your son to school issue was dead on point. Sometimes we get told about how absent black fathers are so much that we totally look past those, such as yourself, who are doing everything they can to be there for their children.

    Not all black fathers are deadbeats, just like not all black women are ideal mothers.

  5. The most original post I've seen today, so appropriate with the Olympics in progress. Great job!

    My WW post: Popcorn on wheels

  6. That is just brilliant! I love the originality and creativity behind it!

  7. Lol, that is so cool. It's funny to think what possesses one to try such things.

    Happy WW!

  8. Always someone out there being as creative as can be.

  9. Hilarious! Where did you find this? I love it.

  10. All - Thanx for sharing your village voice with me. The photos were forwarded to me earlier this month by my mom. I have no idea where she found them...


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