September 7, 2008

New AfroSpear Member: The "D" Spot

Many villagers know that I lived in Detroit back in the day. In fact, my maternal grandparents made a home in Detroit for most of their lives. As such, I have a soft spot in my heart for the city. The recent negative press coming down on Detroit is gut-wrenching.

So, I'm very glad to welcome Keith Owens into the AfroSpear with his blog, The "D" Spot (BBR #515).

The “D” Spot is all about Detroit as seen through the ever-watchful eyes of a brother, born and raised in Denver, Colorado, who came to Detroit 14 years ago on a cold January morning to work as an editorial writer/columnist for The Detroit Free Press. Keith offers his observations and experiences as his own personal and heartfelt contribution toward the revitalization of a great city through balanced commentary and public reflection designed to a light on the “strange beautiful” that is Detroit. Keith hopes that this light will help to clear away at least a portion of the encrusted debris that has for so long been mistaken for the truth trapped beneath.

Keith feels that the Afrospear was created "To harness the collective intellectual and creative energy of black bloggers from all corners."


  1. Villager,

    Thanks for the shout-out!

  2. Keith - It takes me awhile sometimes because of current events and such ... but, I hope to send a shout-out to other new AfroSpear members as well. I'm very glad to be a colleague with you in The Afrospear!

  3. Welcome to the Afrospear Keith. Its been good reading your missives from the Motor City.

  4. Villager,

    Believe me I know you're busy. I just appreciate all that you do.

    Aaron and Alaine,

    Thanks so much. And I think you know I'm already a huge fan of your site.


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