September 13, 2008

Racist 'Obama Waffles' Satire from Republican Value Voters

John McCain's supporters continue to use racial imagery to belittle Barack Obama. Is this what we can expect from John McCain and Sarah Palin over the remaining weeks of this campaign?

Is this parody what we can expect from white people in the Republican Party? If you can't win on issues that you belittle a decent man and his wife? Am I being oversensitive about issues such as this 'Obama Waffles' product?


  1. If they had just stopped at the waffles, I would have said yes you were overreacting...but hen they went on with the border, and the turban, and the other stuff...that is way too much!

    Of course, I'm biased and tired of seeing all this shyt without anyone saying it's wrong, when the "lipstick on a pig" thing gets way too much attention...

  2. Now I defend the New Yorker, but this BS right here is not satire.

    This is two idiots begging for an ass whipping.

  3. This is probably only the tip of the iceberg...
    In the upcoming weeks I expect more of the same garbage.

  4. these two guys are funny. i can't exactly be mad at them; it's all entertainment and let's be frank, in this political race, no one is safe.

  5. Marva - I'm tired of seeing this shyt as well. However, I feel that we need to expose it so that the dishonorable nature of the John McCain campaign can be seen by everyone...

    Mike - Amen! btw, I have a Blogging Star Award for you to pick up when you have a chance...

    Regina - Yes, McCain is showing himself to be a dishonorable politician...

    Marcus - Racism is never acceptable in my view....

  6. So sad. It took a black man accomplishing something African Americans have only dreamed of before now to expose who divisive and intolerant some in this country are along the lines of race. I agree with MsMarvalus...if they had just stopped at waffles..but the bulging eyes and huge lips (neither of which he has) along with all the other crapped sprinkled throughout the boxes design are ridiculous.

  7. The waffles--no, not racist.

    The turban and "I don't know what the big deal with Aunt Jemima is"--still not racist, just bewilderingly stupid. Since when is it racist to paint a black man as a Muslim?

    The Bling Bling Waffle Ring though? Eh...gettin kinda close to Duke Country there.

    The face on the box is a caricature. Whenever one of those is done of white people, nobody cries foul. But as soon as a black person, a Latino, an Asian, or whoever has their portrait done in that style it's ZOMG RACISM. Why? Caricatures take the dominant features of somebody's face/facial structure and overemphasize them, this is how the *art* form works.

  8. Expect much, much more! If they had come up with a Kerry Waffle then you would be overreacting...but, of course they didn't do that. I wonder why?

  9. Aunt Jemimah does mean quality, but it tells alot of the unconscious, refuse to open my eyes mentality of the deep south - and Franklin, TN is definitely the deep south. Those gentlemen are from Franklin, TN -- middle TN, just about an hr's drive from Pulaski, TN - home of the Klan.

    Racism and racial insensitivity isn't just for the seriously dedicated White Supremists. Lots of so-called benign, but I have black friends white people, have been infected with racial insensitivty. At best, I think these guys (and LOTS of WHITE, 'real workign class Americans') suffer from this madness and it prevents serious thinking and dialogue.


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