February 17, 2011

Twitter Thursday! - What Is Your Twitter Name?

Drumbeats from Vincent Wright gave us the idea to see if there are any villagers who want to Twitter with us?

Tell us your Twitter name!

To get things started, here are mine:

Personal Twitter name: twitter.com/Villager
My Non-Profit Twitter name: twitter.com/BDPA

For those of you that don't know ...Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length.

Updates are displayed on the user's profile page and delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them. The sender can restrict delivery to those in his or her circle of friends (delivery to everyone being the default). Users can receive updates via the Twitter website, instant messaging, SMS, RSS, email or through an application such as Twitterrific or Facebook. For SMS, four gateway numbers are currently available: short codes for the United States, Canada, and India, as well as a United Kingdom number for international use. Several third parties offer posting and receiving updates via email.

There are millions of registered Twitter users. Do you have one of them?


  1. RuthDFW for Twitter and FriendFeed name.

  2. Ruth - I'm pleased to be following you...

  3. Gunfighter1 and Omodudu - I'm pleased to be following you both in the Twitter world...

  4. LadyD - I'm pleased to be following you via Twitter!

  5. Shae-Shae - I'm honored to be following your Twitter commentary!

  6. Villager,

    I heard of Twitter but I am not sure why it's better than just posting updates on the blog!

    I don't know about all of these social networking tools...

    I am a non-techie...who does not own a television...OR a Blackberry...OR a DVD player... and owns a CD player but rarely uses it...and only uses the cell phone two or three times a day....

    Yes....it is a wonder that I am a blogger!! *LOL

  7. Lisa - Twitter is limited to 140 characters (versus the unlimited nature of our blogs). Twitter is more for 'real-time' conversations than a blog. Blog is for posterity. Twitter is for the moment.

    I admit to being skeptical at first ... but, I see benefits now.

    For one thing it is a great source of blog ideas!

  8. Marenda & Sojourner - I am proud to be following you both. Marenda is a super-Twitter-star with over 900 followers!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hey Villager!

    Ok, I accept your recommendation! (smiles)

    I signed up for an account!

    My Twitter name is: BlowTheTrumpet

    They didn't allow enough space for me to put in my entire blog name!

    I blocked my profile (I think!!) so I have to approve people before they can see me online (I think!!)

    Villager, ShaeShae, SjP...send me a request! *LOL* I want to feel popular!! *LOL*

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

  11. Lisa - I'll head over right now to ask you for permission to 'follow' you! Just keep thinking multiple streams of ways to market your blog and attract new blog readers. I learned about Twitter for the first time ever at the BWB Conference in Atlanta earlier this year...

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I'm edpadgett on Twitter and we follow one another, but love to chime in now and then.

    Cheers from Los Angeles...

  14. My twitter name is FeteSociety, - I have another blog - which is a social calendar of events in the St. Louis area.

    My friendfeed name is DNLee - which I use for my science blog. You can get more characters in it, but I think Twitter uses are more prolific.

  15. twitter.com/shaeshae

    I have moments when I don't visit at all, but when I do I'm addicted for about a week.

  16. Hi there!

    Well, I see my comments from a year ago and I have to laugh! I signed up for Twitter after you told me to and I use it sometimes.

    I am also on Facebook as:
    BlackWomen (first name)
    BlowTheTrumpet (last name)

    Thanks for your instruction, Wayne! Now I'm somewhat of a rock star on Facebook!! *LOL*


  17. Is this a re-post, Villager?
    My personal/business Twitter name: @wirfy for "Writing It Right For You"
    My political Twiteer name: @blacklibboomer for "Black Liberal Boomer"

    I am definitely going to check my followers list to add all of these if I don't already have them!

  18. I've updated my Twitter Presence.
    DNLee5 is now my Twitter handle. I use it to direct traffic to my 2 science blogs and also interact with Blogging While Brown family.
    My other Twitter account, FeteSociety, is used only to tweet about local St. Louis, Mo area social events.

  19. Just stopping by to let you know, OSF is starting back tomorrow. The theme of course is Teena Marie.

    You can sign-up oldschoolfridays.blogspot

    Hope to see your post tomorrow. ;)


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