October 10, 2008

Obama Battles His Smoking Habit

My maternal grandmother died of lung cancer as a result of a lifetime of smoking cigarettes. My mom kicked her smoking habit when I was a youngster. I hope that Barack Obama finds the inner strength to stop smoking.

Obama recently noted that the odd cigarette helps him cope with the pressure and admitted: "There have been a couple of times when I fell off the wagon and bummed one, and I had to kick it again."

Obama told Men's Health magazine would-be quitters should "eliminate key connections, that first cigarette in the morning, after a meal, or with a drink."

My hope is that Barack Obama wins election to become our president. As such, I want him to have no issues with lung cancer during his time in office. Smoking ain't cool or necessary. Please kick the habit Barack!


  1. Yuck. I hope he gets rid of that nasty habit asap and for good.

  2. Shae - Yeah. The one good thing is that he doesn't smoke in public...

  3. Chantix - I give you credit for creative marketing of your product. Good luck. I'm not sure if Obama or his team reads my blog ... but, if so, maybe they will contact you about your product! (smile)...


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