October 30, 2008

Obama Effigy Removed in California

A Redondo Beach resident has removed an effigy of Barack Obama hanging from her balcony with a giant butcher knife through its neck. Lisa Castaneda put up the blood-covered figure with a placard that read "Nobama."

Castaneda, a mother of two who supports John McCain, says she didn't mean to be racist or offensive. But the display drew immediate criticism and she took it down last night at the request of a local McCain campaign representative.

The end of this election cycle can't come to soon...


  1. And they wonder why we are voting for change.

    I'm tired of people taking the time & energy out of their day to display such hateful, racist & ignorant behavior, only to turn around when caught & say, "I didn't know if would be offensive."

    Give me a break.

  2. Shae - I hope that these knuckleheads lose their jobs. If we can't prosecute them ... then let's hope we can hurt them in their wallets...

  3. I'd like to post a comment,

    Obama has already made lending for middle and lower class citizens before he's in the white house! Amazing, read more below..

    New Types of Low Interest Loans & Grants from Obama


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