October 3, 2008

This Week in Blackness: About the VP Debate

Who won the VP debate last night? This was the topic of discussion for This Week in Blackness. Check it out:

What say u?


  1. Biden by a land slide.

    Sarah did better than I thought with that quirky small town mom routine.

    But she didnt convince me that she is a woman who can handle things in a crisis with that skit, it only confirmed for me that she is not the one for the job.

  2. Mike - I agree. Palin didn't implode last night. However, there is no possible way that she is ready to serve as vice president or president. She is a nice woman who's ambition outstripped her talents...

  3. sorry, this guy lost me at heeeeeyyyy

    Dallas Black

  4. No, she didn't further embarrass herself as many of us thought. But what kind of standard is that for a person running to be a heartbeat from the presidency?

    Gov. Palin remembered talking points and delivered them with a smile and a wink. Sen. Biden spoke like a guy who has been a leader and the chairman of several committees for over 30 years: With facts and sound analysis.

    Gov. Palin was out of her league.

  5. Dallas Black - This brother's humor needs to grow on you in some respects. However, I respect his persistence and creativity in getting his stuff published each week...

    MacDaddy - Yeah, I think that most who watched the debate realize she ain't ready for primetime in 2008. I imagine that the Republicans will work on her for 2012...

  6. It's so clear that Biden won. Was Palin even there? Because it sounded like she was off in a corner reading a script to me. How do you just NOT answer the questions though? Like, how do you just say eff this I'm just going to make a speech that is totally unrelated to the topic at hand? lol. She is a joke and I'm tired of laughing.

  7. Monica - I didn't say she would be ready ... I said the Republicans might put her up again in 2012. After all, they are gonna lose that one to the incumbent, President Obama (smile)...so Palin would be a sacrificial lamb again...

    B-Squared86 - America has a chance to vote her & McCain off the island on November 4th ... a month from today!

  8. Biden, Biden and did I mention Biden?

    I expected Palin to be adequate than the Trainwreck TV I've seen with Gibson and Couric interviews. But she still didn't give me any confidence about her competence for the job.

  9. AAW - Yes, I think that Palin showed that she isn't ignorant ... however, she didn't show that she was capable of serving as Commander-in-Chief in the event of McCain's death...


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