October 29, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Haunted Houses


  1. That is truly sad... :-( Happy WW anyway! :-)

  2. that's really sad.. As always my Wordless Wednesday is in Sequence be sure to visit all to see the relation between the 3 entries my

    sweet, here is the pretty and here is the naughty

  3. Funny and yet sad at the same time. Happy WW!

  4. Sad - although I know it's trying to be funny at the same time. Kids will now have to go far to go trick-or-treat(ing).

  5. We're seeing a lot more of that over here in the UK too. Scary indeed!

  6. LOL....I've seen this, and the sad thing it's so close to true...but, still, laughter is good for the soul.

    My W W is my husband's alter-ego today. Stop by and say 'Hey!' won't you? I'd love to have you visit with me too. Happy Wordless.

  7. This is a good one, Villager. And you know it hits close to home here in Detroit. And I notice the cartoon is from the Rocky Mountain News, which is in Denver. That's my hometown where I was born and raised. I got my start in journalism as a reporter for the competition newspaper, the Denver Post.

  8. What a frightening reality. It leaves me "wordless" indeed.

  9. It's a blog about venues, events, and activities in St. Louis - family friendly, arts, culture, concerts, networking.

  10. Lol, that was depressing but funny as hell.

  11. it's a funny clip & for sure a nightmare for those who had gone through a lot these days:( indeed, a scary situation to be in...

  12. This is sad and scary, but so true.


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