October 8, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: The Zero Dollar


  1. I don't think i want this. ;p

  2. Hopefully, we have a little ways to go before our money is worth zero...

  3. Ok! That's one bill I'll rather not have!! :P *lol*

  4. I love the picture. I sometimes feel like that is what my dollar is worth. Is that a drawing?

  5. Ugh, the sad reality of our economic crisis. I'll take two please. :-\

  6. Uh, sorry for the repeats. Either Blogger or my computer went crazy there for a second.

  7. Haha! A banknote that can buy nothing! Cool! Thanks for your visit earlier. Happy WW! :)

  8. I'd say that's about as timela WW as I've seen. Says it all about our current financial situation, doesn't it?

  9. Wow. Appropriate timing for a very real current crisis. And for those who had more than $100K in the bank, this reality was much closer than they ever imagined.

    = = = = = =
    Please give to classroom projects in high-poverty public schools via DonorsChoose 2008: Friends of Fackin Truth Blog (Participating via the AfroSpear with Black Bloggers for Education).

  10. All - Thank you for visiting my WW-meme this week!

    David - The artist made up 10,000 of these and passed them out on Wall Street yesterday...


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