December 3, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Not All Fat Cats Are on Wall Street


  1. Oh wow, can that poor thing even walk?? That is one fat cat!

  2. Whoa.......

    I can honestly say that I've never seen such a fat cat. I wonder if he/she is happy (?).

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Happy WW!

  3. All - The photo is veterinary nurse Jennie Keen with Tinks, a 13-year-old cat from Gillingham. His current weight of 21.6 pounds makes him around 96 percent overweight.

  4. Oh my goodness! That looks like the kind of cats my ex in-laws used to have. Scary fat!!!

  5. That cat is HUGE!!! Put him on a treadmill.

  6. holy heck! That is one beast of a cat!

  7. Oh, that poor critter! How could someone let their pet get that way??

  8. Hello there,

    That cat is just toooo big!

    I am sorry but that lady needs to have her cat taken away...that is an irresponsible pet owner. No cat should be that big.

    I am appalled that she seems proud her cat is the size of five normal sized cats....

  9. All - Thank you very much for participating on this weekly meme with us this week...

  10. I am assuming that they don't make Cycle 3 for cats...

    Does anyone else remember Cycle 3 dog food?


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