January 13, 2009

Are You Ready for an Obama Presidency?

Are you still feeling the glow of the election back in November? Are you ready for the Obama presidency? What would you like to see him accomplish during his first year in office?


  1. me never had a glow - liked the history, but hope he can handle this because seems to be No end in sight with respect to the economy and the same old inside the beltway/ivy league revolving doors keep a turning

  2. Villager,

    I hope that the people who supported Obama are ready to go back to work!

    There is a lot that needs to be done. He cannot and should not have to do it all.

    Of course I am enjoying the moment. It is one that I have not had within my great American Experience.

  3. RawDawg - I had (still have) the glow from Obama's historic march to the presidency. The one person who is revolving in and out of Washington DC is Barack Obama ... and all that he appointed work and take their lead from him. He is the change...

    Lady D - I agree! Who was the rapper that reminded us, "It's time to go to work!"...

  4. I'm really excited and have great expectations for what he will do in the next 8 years. But, you know it will be such a joy to be able to listen to our leader use a noun, verb, adverb, etc. correctly that that just might be "accomplishment" enough! LOL

  5. Sojourner - Yes, having a leader that speaks the language well is good for our nation. Truth to tell ... it is a great image for Black children as well!


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