January 15, 2012

Martin Luther King Jr. and Barack Obama

What do you think that Martin Luther King Jr. is thinking today as he looks down on the presidency of Barack Obama?


  1. mmmh, that's a good question. of course he's happy that an african-american is now president, that's obvious. what else is he thinking, though?

  2. Isabella - I think that MLK is smiling. He sees that a man was chosen for president after being judged on the content of his character, not the color of his skin...

  3. I think that MLK's soul is more at rest, because all of God's children are that much closer to being "Free AT Last".

  4. Julius - I think you're right...

  5. Martin Luther king would turn over in his grave if he could see the world today....

  6. RodriguezSeries6 - That is a bit harsh. I think that MLK would be very pleased to see President Barack Obama in the White House. However, he would be sickened by the fact we are still involved in two wars. MLK was not a fan of the Vietnam War...


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