February 2, 2009

Blogging While Brown Conference: Call for Papers

Blogging While Brown Conference is an international event for bloggers of color scheduled for June 19-20, 2009 at the University Center in Chicago. Conference organizers are currently accepting proposals for workshops that will appear at this year's conference in Chicago.

The annual Blogging While Brown Conference promotes intellectual, social, and cultural development of the blogging community by bringing bloggers of color together in one location to share knowledge with each other. Last year's inaugural Blogging While Brown Conference was an excellent opportunity for many bloggers of color and their readers to meet and interact for the first time. Participants were able to discuss current issues of interest, network with like-minded individuals and organizations, as well as learn about the latest technology to assist bloggers with publishing their work and improving their readers' experience by fully utilizing in the latest social media offerings.

Do you plan to attend BWB Conference this year?


  1. About 80% certain....Have a family reunion scheduled in June that I'll have to check the dates for.

  2. i hope to be there. i know today 2/1 is the last day for early registration. this will be a first for me so i put out a tweet a few days back to see if anyone had been and if it was truly worth it.


  3. Wayne, nice new site for this year's conference.

    All the registration links are for early birds. Where are the current, late-bird links? I sent a message from the site asking the same question. Just curious to know if you knew.

    I like that boot camp workshop. Now to figure out how to put the pennies together in this freaky economy.

  4. They updated the links a little while ago.

  5. Monica - Family first...

    Affrodite - I posted my thoughts here on this blog. You can do a quick blog-search for "Blogging While Brown" to see what I thought at the time. Frankly, if you do a google search for "Blogging While Brown" I think you will be pleasantly surprised by what you see...

    Martin - I feel ya' on the budget/economy consideration. I did fairly early registration last year. I didn't do it this year as I'm not yet sure that the pennies for hotel and transportation are in my 2009 budget yet...

    Shawn - Excellent. Didn't I see that you are the Minister of Video or something like that :)


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