March 27, 2009

Old School Friday: Louis Armstrong

The theme for this week's Old School Friday meme is 'When I Have A Bad Day At Work' ... when your boss is being extra foul, or your co-worker got a raise, but you did the work...what song do you play to ease the pain?

Instead of expressing anger at others it is more useful for me to uplift myself. Here is a classic song by a legend Louis Armstrong. It helps me. I hope you enjoy it as well.


  1. That's a classy way out! This song is beautiful and always reminds me to think of the the world in a larger sense.

    Happy OSF.

  2. Wow, great vintage video of the jazz master himself. I've never known Louis Armstrong's song titles by heart but when I heard this one for the first time on "Good Morning Vietnam" it was imprinted on the brain immediately.

    Maybe it's the fact that it is so completely unjazzy that it threw me off. But you can't miss that distinctive voice. I love this song. Great choice.

    Happy OSF.

  3. Happy OSF Villager! Nice spin on the topic. I love your approach.

  4. Awesome pick!! Classic! He does make us think that it is not only about us!

  5. I agree with Sis. Kim, very classy and interesting take on the theme. Great presentation.

  6. Awww, everyone has really chosen some good songs today. By the time I finish this meme today, I will be a cloud nine.

    You just don't understand how this song transitions my mood.

  7. Verrrrry nice! This not only soothes my bad work week, but puts me in a mind of my late jazz musician grandmother. Thanks--I'm bout to look through some old photo albums now...

  8. What a classic reminder that there is a bigger world out there...and life goes on.

    Happy OSF!

  9. I love Louie. I'm from New Orleans so this song is ingrained in me. Happy OSF!!!

  10. This song makes me stop my whining and go to a place of gratitude. Nice pick, Villager.

    Happy OSF.

  11. I am feeling the chill out and cool vibe, I am with you on that. :)

    Happy OSF!

  12. Now this is a lesson to live by on my side of the plantation. Can always count on you to give us a positive spin to a seemingly bad situation. Much obliged! I need that...::singing:: It's a Wonderful World...

  13. All - Thanks for sharing your village voice about my OSF meme entry this week. I'm glad that y'all appreciated a little twist with Louis Armstrong!

  14. I give the thumbs up here for sure, but then I'm biased being in NOLA and all. Always enjoy my visits to your blog.


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