March 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Is This Still Unthinkable?


  1. This Sept. 1971 file photo shows a nuclear bomb detonated at the Mururoa atoll, French Polynesia.

    The French government is offering compensation to thousands of people who suffered health problems as a result of nuclear tests in Algeria and the South Pacific, the French Defense Minister Herve Morin said Tuesday March 24, 2009.

  2. This is to terrible! Hope this will not happen anymore..

    Happy WW!

  3. Better watch Pakistan and India.

    Two countries that are nuclear armed and hate each other enough to possibly use them

  4. Monica - Pakistan seems to be in the middle of a number of America's foriegn policy trouble spots ... and they are supposed to be our ally. I hope that Sec'y Clinton, Pres Obama and their envoy make progress. What would be wonderful is to have Osama Bin Laden caught or killed...

  5. We are taking no option off the table. Although we have nothing to prove, we also have nothing to disprove. Whatever, bring it on, we'll deal with it... have to deal with it.


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