April 30, 2009

Global Day of Action for Troy Davis

Drumbeats from Sojourner's Place inform us that Troy Davis' latest and last appeal for a new trial was denied and his stay of execution will expire on May 15, 2009.

Amnesty International has just released plans for a Global Day of Action for Troy Davis. Amnesty International has designated May 19th for groups and individuals around the world to organize demonstrations, vigils, teach-ins or any other public event in an effort to show Georgia that the executing Troy Davis "would be an unacceptable travesty of justice." As such they are asking the assistance of all in agreement with to be both visible and as loud as possible.

In an effort to show Georgia that the whole world is watching, the Global Day of Action for Troy Davis will be marked by a rally on the Atlanta Capital Steps sponsored by Amnesty International and the NAACP. Other activities being organized throughout the globe include information tables, candlelight vigils, letter-writing campaigns, panel discussions, and public demonstrations. Suggested themes of this global initiative include: "Shout from the Rooftops" - emphasize your outrage at the injustice in this case; you could even hold a demonstration on a rooftop; and "We Are Troy Davis" – emphasize your solidarity with Troy.

I am inviting all villagers to participate in this Global Blogging Day of Action for Troy Davis by writing a post on May 19th. In doing so, include the graphic seen at the beginning of this post as a show of solidarity. This is an official event for the entire blogosphere registered at Amnesty International by Sojourner. I hope you will decide to participate by leaving a comment on this blog. You can also sign-up on Facebook.

It is also important for each of us to take other actions such as:
  1. Urge Georgia Governor Perdue to exercise leadership on behalf of Troy Davis
  2. Visit GFADP to see what activists are doing in Georgia.
  3. Clergy and Religious Leaders can add their name to sign-on letter created by Amnesty International.
  4. Write a letter to the editor of your local paper. It's quick and easy using the ACLU's website.
  5. Text "TROY" to 90999 to help spread the word with your cell phone.

Please do not contact the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles directly right now, as doing so could be detrimental to Troy's case. Instead, you are encouraged to contact Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue.

Other Available Resources:
Mark your calendar. I hope to see high villager turnout on May 19th. Will you join us?


  1. I will continue the fight. I've been blogging about this case for sometime. With the paltry of evidence against him (witnesses, most of whom have recanted their stories), I thought Troy Davis would be sitting at home by now. I'll blog on May 19th. I'll write Gov. Perdue too. Thanks, Villager, thanks, SJP.

  2. MacDaddy - I hope that our efforts make a difference...

  3. Much obliged Villager and Mac for your drumbeats on this! I, too, hope our efforts will make a difference.!

  4. Sojourner - You shine the light. We got your back...

  5. Villager,

    That is so encouraging to know. There's about 12 bloggers who have committed to participate on the 19th.

    Much obliged!


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